Watch Now: “Out of the Rafters Bali”, Featuring Dane Reynolds, Shane Sykes, and More

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"Out of the Rafters" is a rad concept wherein Channel Islands lets modern day pro surfers raid the rafters of their factory, giving important relics brand new life in the water.

You can watch the previous episode, featuring Dane Reynolds in Mexico, here.

This episode, however, comes from Bali, where the Onboard Store is holding onto some important CI surfboards that had been left with them over the last decade or two. Like: An early 2000s Proton from Dane. An OG 5-fin built for Bobby Martinez. And a thinned out pintail for Rob Machado.

"Inspired originally from the mind of Dane Reynolds, 'Out of the rafters Bali' edition features boards that were left in Indo from surf trips over the last 10 to 15 years," writes Onboard on YouTube. "We grabbed our favourites, called some CI team riders / friends and headed to Echo beach, a trustworthy Sandbar wedge. Some Boards felt brand new, some didn't really float, but we will let you guys decide."

In the very good episode above, watch a unique cast of characters, from Shane Sykes to Rolo Montes to Tosh Tudor give feedback on some of your favorite surfers' surfboards from the last 20 years.


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