Watch Laura Enever Survive One of the Most Terrifying Wipeouts of All Time at Shipsterns Bluff

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Talk about being in the wrong place at the worst possible time.

Laura Enever, after riding a few warmup waves during a recent swell at XL Shipsterns Bluff, whipped in on a monster. She let go of the rope, set her line, and with nowhere to go, watched the entire ocean drop out in front of her. Shipsterns breaks on a big rock shelf, and Enever found herself directly between that rock and a hard place. Literally. It's one of the most terrifying wipeouts of all time.

"My mum is gonna hate that wave so much," Enever laughs when she's safely back on the boat. "I don't even know if I can show her."

Of course, Enever is no stranger to big waves and impressive wipeouts. She's also a Guinness World Record holder, so one big wipeout — no matter how terrifying it might look — wont keep her down.

After catching her breath, she heads right back out and whips into a couple more sets, ending her day on an absolute dream bomb.

Like Pipeline, Shippies is also "for the f--king girls" these days.

After surviving an early session scare, Enever's surfing is out there is wildly impressive stuff.


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