Watch a Barbados Tube Hound Score One of the Best Waves in Indonesia

Lombok's Desert Point is objectively one of the best waves in the world. Especially if you're a goofyfoot. Where else can you hammer a half dozen turns before locking into a 30-second tube? It's why surfers from all around the world descend on it every summer.

Evan Puma, from Barbados, is one of those Deserts faithfuls. He'll do whatever it takes to get there, including taking a scooter from Bali across the Lombok channel and sleeping on the ground in a windowless room for days on end. Endless tubes tend to make up for a lot of uncomfortable things.

In the clip above, Puma shares some of his favorite rides from last season. As you'll see, he's one of the few who consistently rolls the dice down at The Grower, a notoriously shallow section of reef that closes out 8 out of 10 times. But when it doesn't? Well, rides like the ones Puma scores at the 2:00 mark will keep anyone coming back.

Well, as long as you don't fall. Because if you get hurt down there? Help is not on the way.


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