Watch this 7-year-old skateboarder teach his nervous mom how it’s done

Sarah Gizzi, a busy single mom from Orange County, California, loves skateboarding with her three kids, Penny, Smith, and Everytt.

“When we were all stuck at home during the pandemic, I decided to buy the kids a skate ramp for Christmas,” says Sarah. “I had never skated in my life and quickly realized the ramp was a little too big for their skill level. But here I was with this ramp, so I decided to learn. I learned to skate right alongside my kids while also teaching them.”

After learning by trial and error, the family eventually paid for some lessons and began skating at Ryan Sheckler’s skate park, Sandlot Times. Unlike Sarah, the kids were fearless. So, when she hesitated at the top of a big ramp, 7-year-old Smith was ready, willing, and able to give her a much-needed boost of confidence.

“I love the idea of allowing kids to be the teacher. To see that adults don’t know it all and can be scared, too,” says Sarah. “So, I 100 percent let him know how scared I was. He was giving me tips and encouraging me, and it was just so cute.”

Watch the video to see a 7-year-old skateboarder teaching his mom how to ride the ramp.

For Sarah, skateboarding has become more than just a sport. It’s a shared experience with her children that strengthens their sense of family.

“It’s been such a cool bonding experience with my kids,” she says. “As a working single mama, I don’t get a ton of opportunities to skate, but I always try to get out there with them. I’m looking forward to tons of years skating together.”

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Sweet young son coaches nervous mom to skateboard