Video: Pro Surfer Koa Rothman Tandem Surfs Shark-Infested Waikiki with Girlfriend

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Waikiki is one of, if not the, best beginner surf spots in the world.

So, why not take your non-surfing girlfriend out there to learn how to ride waves?

That’s what North Shore pro surfer Koa Rothman did. Although it’s unclear when the video was made, given there’s been a spate of shark sightings and attacks in the area.

Nestled beneath the looming silhouette of Diamond Head, Waikiki has long been a hotspot for surfing – from beginners and beyond – dating back to the days of Duke Kahanamoku and modern surfing’s early beginnings.

It’s packed with people, all types, catching waves.

Recently, however, surfers in Hawaii have been on high alert from a spate of shark sightings, encounters, and attacks. Additionally, recently, there was a huge tiger shark cruising through the lineup at Waikiki – right where Koa and his lady were surfing.

But the North Shore charger went for it, regardless. And with a massive board, they were able to share some of the extremely user-friendly ankle-slappers.

As for Koa’s tandem surfing acumen?

“I can surf,” he said, “but I’m definitely not the best instructor. And this is super uncrowded for Waikiki. It’s usually like four times as packed as that, so we got pretty lucky. You [to his girlfriend] have never surfed, but I’m alert. There were a couple guys out the back from us and if they fell, their boards were going to go straight into us. Luckily it didn’t.

And his girlfriend?

“I’m basically a pro now. I’ll be surfing Pipe before you know it.”


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