Video of Hippos Enjoying Pumpkins Is Both Adorable and Terrifying at the Same Time

There are some things that you just have to see for yourself to believe, and this is one of them! @Unilad shared a video on Instagram on Saturday, September 16th of a couple of hippos getting a snack. They were waiting to get some pumpkin, but they're given the pumpkin whole!

The hungry, hungry hippos are at the water's edge, waiting for their handlers to hand over the goods. They are excited for the treat, and open wide. Their handlers gently drop them into their mouths, and the hippos bite down and bust open the whole pumpkins. Their strength is just incredible!

I watched @Unilad's jaw dropping (or in the case of the hungry hippos, jaw clenching) video at least 10 times! I just couldn't believe the strength those guys have. Pretty cool if you ask me!

Commenters were also left in awe. @gainz_w_gabs pointed out, "That mouth can crush a person’s skull with no stress!!" @gbranham25 says what we were all thinking, "Um ok but why are they so freaking cute...?!" and another commenter added, "The most innocent looking yet one of the most dangerous animal ever." @joanna.buttonn laughs, "It looks like they’re smiling!" I smile when I know I'm getting a treat, too! Another commenter cleverly said, "Don’t give them that much fiber or you’re gonna have a hippo-potty-mess!"

Do you know what else hippos like? Watermelons! They can eat watermelons whole too and consider them a treat. Who knew that a whole watermelon or pumpkin would ever be considered just a snack?!

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