Video: Ben Gravy Surfs the 'Swell of a Lifetime' in the Great Lakes

Weird wave connoisseur Ben Gravy has surfed a helluva lot of weird waves in random places.

Despite having surfed seven seas in seven days, boat wakes in Germany, and shin-high bombs on Lake Geneva, Gravy is still on a mission to score surf in unlikely places.

And in the video below, he reflects on scoring an epic swell in the Midwest.

Related: Watch: Big Wave Surfers Score XXL Dream Session at Cloudbreak

Gravy captioned the edit above:

"Today's video is a Great Lakes tribute showcasing the work & attempts it took for me to finally end up in the right place at the right time for the swell of a lifetime on the Great Lakes.

"To this day surfing the lakes is one of the most fun & enjoyable types of surf trips I take every year. Looking forward to finding more waves in the future. Thanks to all my friends on the freshwater coastlines & everyone who supports what I do. For the Dream!! - Ben"

Press play above to watch Gravy absolutely frigid and fun surf.

Viewers were stoked and a few cold weather commented:

"That’s was legendary!!!! Stoked you scored it on the Nut! Thanks for making what we do on the lakes legitimate! safe travels and continued success. I hope our paths meet up again soon! Yeeeww"

"Thanks for the videos Ben! West Michigan surfer here, and heard you had a a fellow Michigander give you crap/localism bs. It’s a shame to hear honestly. I’m always stoked seeing people enjoying the lake."

"I can relate to the lake surfing scene. We surf the German Baltic Sea (which is smaller than most of the Great Lakes) and the stoke is just really high because it's such a novelty experience. When you score one of the better days it feels like winning in the lottery."


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