Vermont's Snowiest Resort Fires Up New Snowmaking Guns

Jay Peak, VT, has seen a solid season so far, but that's not enough for them. They want to keep things going as long as humanly possible, or, in this case, with a little help from their guns.

"Is it the end or the beginning? Our snow guns roar for round two on Jet trail to keep our season going well into spring."

"This past summer we installed 29 new high-efficiency snow guns around the resort and a good amount of those made their home on the Jet Trail."

Today's Weather and Snow report from Jay Peak announced that the weather has been wonderfully bluebird the past two days in a row, "something that we haven't seen since early October," and today is a three-peat.

"Another beautiful bluebird is on deck with temps at the summit sticking around the high teens and the base reaching mid 20's. We've got crisp and sugary groomers to rip up for days and packed powder glades galore. Snowmaking is still in progress on The Jet Trail, which will keep the lift closed with plans to open it back up tomorrow once they move over to The Haynes."

Their social media post explained that "these HKD snow guns save energy, water, and time with a high pressure 1/3 gallon improvement over older models."

If you're wondering why they're called HKG snow guns (I was!) it's because of the creator's name, Herman K. Dupré. 

Him and his wife “Sis” raised 9 daughters in the alpine environment of South Western PA at the family owned Seven Springs Mountain resort. Therefore, their lives literally depended on having adequate snow cover!

But Herman was "an environmentalist at heart" and so "in 1973 he applied for his first of many snowmaking patents, and began employing the technology about the mountain at Seven Springs. Today Seven Springs can pump over 25,000 GPM into snow, assuring snow cover in the toughest of seasons."

And now, Jay Peak has assured snow cover in a non-tough season!

Three cheers for snow guns!

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