"You Can't Park There" Tahoe Drivers Face Challenges With Nuking Storm

Every time there's a major storm, there are road closures, chain requirements, and, you guessed it... crashes.

This week, snow has been dumping across Tahoe resorts in what has been deemed the best "storm of the season" so far. With that storm, there have been generally poor driving decisions, as highlighted by crowd-favorite social media page Lake Tahoe Problems on Instagram.

One day ago, Lake Tahoe Problems compiled some jaw-dropping driving incidents into a slideshow to indicate that safety should be a concern for those hitting the road this week.

The last slide is the clear winner of weirdest driving decision made, to me. What looks like a Nissan (heck yeah, humbly-sturdy ski cars for the win) is parked either on the rocks or in the bushes far off the side of the road.

The Lake Tahoe jokester social media page also posted some informational reporting regarding "a recap of events so far."

Oh man, there's too much here to choose from.

If I had to pick the winner from this batch, it would have to be the 6th slide.

"Per dependable tow cattle truck refusing to leave area and refusing to let them chain up - advd negative contact with chp officer has been made and 'ain't no cop going to tell him what to do'."

However, contrary to this don't-tread-on-me attitude, chains are actually required by the California Department of Transportation.

There's even a Chain Law.

Although "California does not have any specific dates when vehicles are required to carry chains. When the road is posted with a sign requiring chains, all heavy-duty vehicles (over 6,500 pounds gross weight) must be equipped with chains mounted on the tires in order to proceed. Depending on the severity of road conditions, some vehicles (passenger cars, 4-wheel drive vehicles with snow tires) may not be required to install chains at that point. The exceptions will be posted on the sign."

If the sign says put those chains on, put those chains on.

Also, before you start driving, you can check real-time road conditions (with live cams!) from Visiting Lake Tahoe's website.

You don't want to end up like one of those cars that makes it onto Lake Tahoe Problems and becomes a warning for others.

And you definitely don't want to end up in a crash.

Related: Lake Tahoe Hit With The "Biggest Storm Of The Season"

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