Utah Rider Takes On One Of The Gnarliest Trails In The World At Full Speed

Southern Utah is known for one thing in the world of mountain biking: steep, gnarly trails. Perhaps the craziest trail outside of Rampage is King Kong in Virgin Utah.

Watch local Peter Jamison take a lap down the line below.

In this video, Jamison does a full pull down King Kong. Though the trail features gnarly drops and steep sections, Peter laces it.

What is most risky about King Kong is the level of exposure. The moves are hard as it is, but many of the runouts from chutes and drops are fairly narrow with a precipitous drop-off on either side, making the consequences of a fall much worse.

Because this trail is so gnarly, it is not sanctioned. Like many other lines in Virgin, the trail is not advertised so that people will not hurt themselves trying to be the next Kyle Strait.

Related: Pros Attempt The World's "Toughest" MTB Trail

As always with POV footage, it is worth remembering that the trail is way steeper than it looks on camera. Those saying that this looks fine would sing a different tune perched on the edge of one of these rock rolls.

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