Unique Water-Loving Cat Is Totally Unfazed When Wave Hits at the Beach

The first year we had our cat, she would stand in the bathroom and cry whenever she saw us in the bathtub. She was extremely disturbed by our tolerance—even enthusiasm—for getting neck deep in the water for a nice soak. To this day, if she sees us with wet hair, she instantly tried to jump up and “groom” it for us. Obviously, there’s something incredibly wrong that she must fix.

But not all cats feel as mine does. Some cats actually love the water, and there are even breeds of cat, like the Maine Coon and the Turkish Van, who are known for loving to swim. If there’s one thing you can count on when it comes to cats—they’ll do something you never expected.

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The cat in this video—Miss Biscuits—is not a fancy breed. A former stray, she’s your average, black-and-white domestic shorthair, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a little queen, like all cats. Her people have taken her to he beach and given her a taste of that shoreline life, allowing her to frolic in the surf to her little kitty heart’s content.

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That is, until a wave comes a little too close for her cat-mom’s comfort. When Miss Biscuit’s tiny paw begins sinking in the wet sand, she rushes forward to scoop up her pet. In the video, you can hear a little meow of complaint, but is it because of the water and the sand, or because mommy took her away from it?

“Still didn’t mind it too much until mom and dad’s reaction,” admits the cat’s owner in the caption.

As any parent will tell you, little one’s take their cues from the people around them. The cat wasn’t scared until her people made her think she had something to be scared about. She was just vibing until then.

Why Cats Are Fascinated by Water

The truth is, cats have a natural curiosity about water, especially running water. If your cat has ever stuck their paw in the faucet or become entranced by the toilet bowl filling up, you’ve seen this behavior in action. Many cats won’t even drink from standing water bowls because their instincts tell them that stagnant water is not as safe to drink from as running water is. That’s why many commercial cat water dishes have a fountain effect, to encourage the cat to drink.

While Miss Biscuit here can’t drink the seawater, she obviously found it very interesting.

Should You Take Your Cat to the Beach?

Before taking your cat on any outings, it’s a good idea to think about the personality of your particular pet. Some cats are inquisitive explorers, who like to be out and about, wandering around and checking out the neighborhood. My mother took her cats for walks on a leash. My rescue cat, on the other hand, is a homebody. She won’t even venture outside on the patio (I think she was traumatized in a previous life, before she came under my care.) But if your cat likes to go on field trips, and the beach allows it, there’s no reason why not, as long as you keep an eye on them and they are up to date on all their vaccinations.

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