Undercover Cop Dresses as Valentine's Day Teddy Bear to Lure Out Suspected Drug Dealer

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Valentine's Day can be a depressing day for many singles. But if you think your holiday is bad, it could always be worse. Take, for example, the case of an alleged Peruvian drug dealer who was arrested by an undercover police officer wearing a teddy bear costume in order to lure her outside.

Wild video of the incident surfaced on Wednesday, in which the officer wearing the bear suit could be seen getting down on one knee while holding a box of candy, heart-shaped balloon, and sign that read "You are my reason to smile" in Spanish. Unfortunately for her, the woman fell for it, and was promptly pinned to the ground by the officer still wearing the bear costume.

Footage was shared to social media by the National Police of Peru, which noted that officers from the elite Green Squadron of Lima's Urban Operational Tactical Intelligence Unit, one disguised as a teddy bear, captured two drug micro-marketers in the San Martín de Porres district.

In the video, officers can be seen seizing multiple packages of what appears to be heroin or a similar opioid after apprehending the woman. "If he loves you, he won't let you commit a crime!" the post quipped.

Although authorities clearly orchestrated the sting to catch the woman off guard, the irony was not lost on Peruvian authorities. "Can you imagine a triple-plush Teddy bear captured a drug dealer? On the day of love and friendship?" joked Peruvian National Police spokesman Jose Honorio, per the New York Post. We suppose when it comes down to it, there are worse ways to get arrested.

Hopefully they at least let her keep the candy. It is Valentine's Day, after all.