Turns Out Certain Breeds of Dogs Are the Most Likely to be Dognapped

The idea of anyone stealing our dog is absolutely terrifying, and there are some breeds that have become very attractive to thieves in recent years. The most popular dog breed for criminals to nab has soared 140% since 2020.

And this little pup just happens to be the most popular dog breed in the United States.

The most popular dog breed to be dognapped by thieves? The French Bulldog.

ABC reports reports that Tom Sharp, the CEO of American Kennel Club Reunite, told "Nightline" that owner-reported dognappings to his nonprofit have risen 140% since 2020.

"In 2023, twice as many French bulldogs were reported stolen to us as the next breed," Sharp said.

Several factors behind their cost: most female French bulldogs need artificial insemination and cesarean sections to have puppies. And the average litter produces just three pups, which is typically fewer than other breeds. The article also states that a bulldog puppy can go anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 to try to buy one.

Related: Los Angeles Woman Clings To Car Roof As French Bulldog Is Stolen

Other pups that thieves tend to target?Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers, Shih Tzu and the Maltese.

Certain dog breeds may be more at risk due their cost, size, popularity and features. Having your dog stolen is a terrifying idea, but there are steps you can take to make your dog a little bit safer from criminals.

How To Protect Your Dog From Being Stolen

Have your dog microchipped. This won't protect your pup from being stolen, but if they are stolen and the thief tries to register them or change the microchip information you will be notified by the company.

Spay or neuter your pet. A lot of times thieves target unaltered pets so they can breeds puppies and then sell these puppies.

Take lots of photos of your pet and of you with your pet. This can be helpful if you have to prove ownership of your pet and to also give to law enforcement.

Vary the routes you take when walking your dog, and try to walk with a buddy when possible.

Don't post public photos of your pets on social media, especially with identifying markers like street signs in the background, the doggy daycare name, where you take them to get groomed or places you visit on a regular basis.

Don't leave your dog or cat outside unattended.

If the worst does happen, alert your local police immediately and tell all of your family, friends and veterinarian.

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