Tiny Pet Crab Forms Unique Attachment to an Ear of Corn

This tiny pet crab was in for an absolute treat when her dad decided to give her an ear of corn to eat. But to her owner’s surprise, she became obsessed with the ear of corn, unwilling to give it up when her owner went to take it.

The crab looks so funny sitting in her tank eating an ear of corn. It’s nearly bigger than she is! She couldn’t stop munching on the corn. It’s clear this little crab has an affinity for corn!

The crab kept gnawing away at the ear of corn, and then finally, the owner was able to grab it away from her. Then, she was mad! So her owner gave her an apple, which was a funny sight because the crab couldn’t quite grasp the apple.

Related: Mom Walks Her Pet Crab on Leash Just Like a Dog and People Are Obsessed

After that, he sliced the apple into pieces and fed it to the crab. This crab is definitely a spoiled pet, getting all types of different fresh produce to eat.

Keeping Crabs as a Pet

As an alternative to fish, keeping crabs is a fun hobby that nearly anyone can do. All you’ll need is a ten gallon tank, sand, and slightly salty water. You will also need to get a filter for the water.

Crabs need a variety of different foods to keep them healthy. They like to eat frozen shrimp, lettuce, apples, raw fish, fish food flakes and dry dog or cat food. A balanced diet is a diverse diet, so the more types of food you offer your crab, the better.

Crabs can be very comical to watch, as seen in this video. You can almost tell what she was thinking when her owner took the corn cob away. This funny little critter must be a joy to watch every day!

Where to Get a Crab

Surprisingly enough, not every pet store is going to carry crabs. That’s when you’ll want to head to your local seafood store or supermarket to see if they carry live crabs. They won’t be very expensive, and although the clerk may think you’re strange, you’re more than free to buy a crab that’s meant to be food and turn it into a pet instead.

Doing that has got to bring some good karma your way. You’re essentially rescuing the crab from becoming someone’s dinner! In return, you’ll have a very quirky pet that will live for years to come with the proper care.

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