Tiny Kitten’s Confusion Over ‘Escaping’ the Cat Carrier Is Priceless

Bringing home a new pet is such a fun experience, and there's a lot for the both of you to learn. Everything is new to baby animals, and we have to step in and act as their mothers, teaching them about the things around them. Case in point, this video that Stella Jean shared of her new kitten Frieda on Sunday, May 12th.

The video starts with the kitten standing in her soft cat carrier, meowing and pleading to be let out. She claws around as she cries, desperately looking for a way out. What the kitten doesn't realize is that mom opened the door 5 minutes ago, and that she was free to exit and go on with her day at any time! Make sure your sound is on to hear Frieda's cries of desperation because of her unfortunate situation.

What a dramatic little kitten! Stella Jean said in the video that Frieda was scratching and trying to escape from the top of the cat carrier since that was how she'd been taking her out. Frieda didn't know that the side opened too, so she had no idea that she wasn't being held as a prisoner!

People got a kick out of the adorable video and left almost 2,500 comments. @Dreem Furry got more than 42 thousand likes when she pointed out, "I felt like this was an entire life lesson for some of us out there." @Amber GirlWhoNerds said, "Kittens and puppies are always so sure they are being mistreated, when it's them the whole time lol!" @Gina Maass shared, "She ran out like “Why didn’t you tell me sooner that it was open?!” and @aim <3 added, "The tone change when she finally got out LOL!"

Related: Shelter Kitten Escaping Her Kennel Is a Regular Harry Houdini

How To Tell When a Kitten Feels At Home

Clearly Frieda is still trying to figure out her new surroundings and it doesn't seem she feels like the cat carrier is home yet. How can you tell if your kitten is settling in? They show you in a number of ways, and when you know the signs to look for, you'll know if you've got a happy kitten:

  1. They are eating.

  2. They want to explore.

  3. They want you to pet them.

  4. They want to play.

  5. They are vocal.

  6. They are purring.

  7. They want to get on your lap.

Frieda definitely wants to explore and doesn't want to spend all of her time in the cat carrier! By nature, most kittens are timid and afraid of the huge world around them. Many will crawl into small places (like the cat carrier!) to hide from you. Frieda wanted out, a sign that she wants to explore her new home and a sign that she's warming up to Stella Jean and her new surroundings. Stella Jean also shared a video of Frieda's favorite places to sleep, including her lap. It sounds like they're off to a fantastic start!

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