Tahoe Skier Rides Shane McConkey's Iconic Water Skis From The '70s

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Legendary ski filmmaker and Lake Tahoe, California, local Scott Gaffney just took a pair of very unusual skis out for a rip at Palisades Tahoe.

The skis in question? Shane McConkey's legendary Stinger waterskis.

While the snow Gaffney encountered looked like some proper Sierra Cement, the Stingers proved to be the perfect weapon for shredding the questionable mank. "They absolutely rule and are possibly the best tool there is in these conditions," Gaffney wrote in the caption of his video.

The Stingers aren't just wacky powder—nay, water ski—though. They hold an important place in the history of ski design.

In pursuit of the perfect powder ski, McConkey mounted the Stingers and began riding them in deep snow. Initially designed for water skiing in the 1970s, these skis boasted a design feature that would eventually inspire the legendary Volant Spatula. They were widest underfoot, making them reverse sidecut. Most skis are narrowest underfoot.

McConkey's hypothesis—that a reverse sidecut, heavily rockered ski would perform better in deep snow—proved verifiable. The rest, you could say, is history. While reverse sidecut skis remain a rarity as they only fare well in powder, McConkey's revelations, which were aided by a comment from none other than Gaffney, have shaped years of ski construction.

To read the full story behind the creation of the Volant Spatula and McConkey's explorations of reverse sidecut design, click here.

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