T.J. Maxx Is Selling a Stunning $17 4-Pack of Beaded Glasses So Similar to a West Elm Style That's More Than 3x the Price

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It's the season of tropical beverages and fruity concoctions, which means time to find some drinkware to match the vibe of what's already starting out to be an incredible spring. If you’ve been keeping up with the recent deals at T.J. Maxx, then you’re aware of the swath of seasonal items that have recently hit shelves. In the drink department alone, the popular discount retailer has simply crushed the competition in terms of styles and prices.

If you didn’t already snag a set of these gorgeous floral wine glasses or any of the gems from the extremely popular Hello Kitty mug selection, then you won’t want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind hobnail glass set. Created by Lustre Glass, the Highball Hobnail Glasses 4-pack is a fun addition to anyone's current collection of drinkware. Perfect to bust out while entertaining guests in your home when the vibe doesn't necessarily scream “fancy,” this set retails for just $16.99, breaking down to be just about $4.25 per glass.

Related: T.J. Maxx Fans are Searching Far and Wide for These Beautiful Spring-Ready Glasses


The glasses each feature a cool iridescent green color that seems to change based on the way the light hits it. Each glass stands 5-inches tall with a 3-inch diameter and should be hand washed instead of run through the dishwasher. This also means that it would be safe to assume that the glasses are best used with cold beverages only, as tea or coffee can potentially make the glass too hot to hold.

T.J. Maxx does make it a point that the $16.99 price point should be compared to $27 elsewhere (or a $60 price tag for a similar design at West Elm), which is more incentive to go ahead and browse around to take in the selections upon your next visit. You never know what useful product you might find, and it's nice to know that you are getting a deal.

Up next: Aldi's Incredibly Useful 3-Drawer Organizer Is Selling for $30, So Now You Can Store Your Produce with Ease