Sweet Pit Bull Crying Over a Broken Fan Is Too Cute To Miss

We've all accidentally broken something in our house and have felt really bad about it. Whether it's a gifted vase or a wedding photo of our grandparents or the washing machine when we've accidentally overloaded it with towels and a large comforter (No, that wasn't me.) You feel so bad about it and you wish you could go back and make it so the accident never happened.

Well, TikTok user @Zero_to_100_bullies shared a video on July 31 of her American Pitbull Zero feeling absolutely horrible the house fan broke. Even though he didn't break it.

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OMG this poor baby! The sounds he makes are just heartbreaking! Mom captions the post, "Poor Zero thought he knocked over the already broken fan I put there while I was cleaning. He was heartbroken thinking he broke it.."

TikTok users feel terrible for this precious baby and @Krimson comments, "His sincere little eyes, wailing his heart out because how could he hurt his mama's thingamajig." LOL! @Para adds, "Oh sweet boy he was so concerned." @Michaela adds, "He is gorgeous!! Poor baby felt guilty for something he didn't do."

If you are wondering if dogs can actually feel guilt, the jury is still out on that one. According to the AKC, "A 2009 study examined “guilty” canine expressions. Researchers observed dogs and their owners under several sets of circumstances and discovered that dogs tended to display “guilty” body language more frequently when their owners scolded them than when the owners remained neutral – regardless of whether the dogs had actually done anything wrong."

The question about if poor Zero here feels guilty is still unanswered, but all we can say for sure is he absolutely looks adorable.

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