Suck Bang Blow isn’t just a raunchy bar name. Real meaning behind the SC biker bar’s title

Suck Bang Blow’s special events coordinator Bill Barber said he once had an old lady come knocking on his door, demanding how the biker bar could give itself such a dirty name.

The Murrells Inlet motorcycle bar is one of the most popular places for bikers to hang out during the Myrtle Beach Spring Bike Rally. It sets up multiple bars throughout the property, has live music almost all day each day of the rally and a dedicated burnout pit.

Barber explained to the woman, as he did to The Sun News, that Suck Bang Blow refers to the process in which four-stroke engines start: intake, compression, combustion and exhaust. This process has been nicknamed suck, squeeze, bang and blow.

  1. Suck — The engine intake sucks the air-fuel mixture into the engine’s combustion chamber.

  2. Squeeze — The air-fuel mixture is compressed in the cylinder which causes heat to be created.

  3. Bang — The mixture then combusts and ignites the ignition with a bang.

  4. Blow — Exhaust is then blown out as the final step.

At the end of Barber’s conversation with the woman, he then asked her who was the one with a dirty mind?