New Study Has Surprising Insights About Gen Z Pet Parents

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A new study surveyed 1,000 dog owners nationwide and found that 38% of them made the choice to become pet owners instead of having a child.

The reasons for this from survey respondents included children are expensive, dogs are easier and many young Americans say having children just isn’t something they want right now.

The survey was conducted by USA Today found that nationwide 67% of people ages 18 to 26 say they are choosing pets over parenthood, at least for now.

The cost of owning a dog over their lifetime varies by location, but the average cost of dog ownership including veterinarian visits, food and grooming, is about $28,800.The average cost of raising a human from birth to 18-years-old?

About $240,000.

You can raise about eight dogs for that!

The study also found that nearly three-quarters (72%) of people choosing pets over parenthood said children just weren’t for them.

No one should have a child if they don't want a child, and a lot of childfree by choice people do consider their dogs their children. Even some grandparents view their kid's dogs as babies! There is nothing wrong with that, and if having a pet instead of a kid suits you and your lifestyle better that is your choice to make.

I can see a lot of pros to having pets instead of kids, and I have four kids I absolutely adore. But my dog never asks to borrow my clothing, cars or money. And I've never had to worry about paying for my dog's college. My dog has never stolen my booze, left dishes in their room, or played his music too loud.

Sure, I love my kids, but as far as easier goes? My dog wins every time.

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