Street Performer in Spain Draws an Unexpected Crowd of Tiny ‘Visitors'

If you play a musical instrument, you know that many people listen to music for stress relief and to relax. Such is true for animals as well! ABC News shared a video of a street performer in Spain playing his guitar, and he attracted some very unexpected visitors.

While street performers normally play to attract people and hope they'll leave tips, this performer delighted passerbys by attracting - and keeping the attention of - several tiny sparrows. Watch as the birds listen to him play, and how they show him their gratitude.

What an amazing gift this man has! Clearly the birds were entranced by the melodic sounds, but I've never been able to attract any animal like that and have them approach me! ABC News commenters as overjoyed as I was when watching the sweet moment unfold. @Soph said, "This is the cutest thing I’ve seen all day!" @Lori shared, "I've seen him play. So cool that the birds love his music." and @zacc and several others added, "He's an angel." I couldn't help but laugh at the commenter who pointed out, "Who knew he was really a Disney princess?!"

Related: Pianist Plays in the Middle of a Thailand Jungle and Elephants Come To Listen

Do Birds Really Like Music?

My parents have had a Yellow-Naped Amazon parrot for more than 45 years now, and he's like a sibling to me. He loves when we sing to him and will dance. He even learned to sing a few songs; Old MacDonald Had a Farm was his favorite and he still sings it!

I've seen many pets who become enraptured by soft music being played, but never a bird in the wild. So I did some quick research, and it turns out, birds like music just like humans do. Critter Cleanout shared some interesting information about it, "When music is played around birds it ignites pleasure sensors in the animal just as it does with humans."

They also shared, "Emory University found out that a small yet active part of a bird’s brains lights up with activity at the sound of music." and that birds respond to music much like humans do. I guess that explains the sparrows' reactions to the man playing!

LaFeber Company also shared this cool fact: Birds can be picky when it comes to their musical tastes, "Some seem to prefer calm and complex classical music, some calm Pop, while others appreciate louder, more raucous tunes. But it was determined that most, if not all, of the birds disliked the popular electronic dance music."

I had never even considered that birds (who themselves sing) might be attracted to the music we make. My brother plays guitar, and I'm going to ask him to try and get birds to listen to him play as he records it!

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