Pianist Plays in the Middle of a Thailand Jungle and Elephants Come To Listen

Who'd ever guess that elephants would be fans of classical music? Clearly they are, as we see in this video that @EARTHVACATIONS shared on Friday, September 15th. It's incredible and you've gotta see it to believe it!

The pianist is Paul Barton, who used to play in front of packed concert halls in Yorkshire. He gave that all up, and headed to Thailand where he now plays for blind and handicapped elephants. As you can see in the 5 videos featured, all of them love the music.

It's incredible that the elephants are all comfortable enough to get close to Paul! They seemed to really love the music and enjoyed his soothing melodies. It was actually very special to watch this video and the comfort that he brings to these disabled animals.

Commenters loved the video as much as I did. @dreamwhip shared, "Absolutely beautiful. In a world full of violence, this is peaceful and warms my heart." @ashleybradshawyoga isn't wrong when she says, "We need more people like this in the world." @officialsamwell added, "And they just stand there and listen. Soooo beautiful, touching, humbling and powerful. Soul stirring." Humbling and soul stirring are both very accurate descriptions. @cmorris858 sums it up nicely, "This is one of the nicest things I’ve ever seen"! And @_hollygail_ is spot on with her comment, "There is hope for humanity when people like this exist".

I love @EARTHVACATIONS' cool videos! They always share exotic experiences most people never get a chance to try. I'll definitely be sharing more of their clips in the future.

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