Stranger things in Georgia: Abe's on Lincoln in Savannah offers doodles, drinks in a dive

FILE - Abe's on Lincoln in Savannah is covered in various drawings of Abraham Lincoln. They used to be on cocktail napkins, but are now on flame-retardant paper.
FILE - Abe's on Lincoln in Savannah is covered in various drawings of Abraham Lincoln. They used to be on cocktail napkins, but are now on flame-retardant paper.

Plenty of people have seen Abraham Lincoln's likeness turned into money, statues, and paintings. But have you ever seen America's 16th president as a basketball player, as SpongeBob SquarePants, or as a victim of an alien invasion?

These and other renditions of the beloved historical figure are available to see at Abe's on Lincoln. The idea is straight-forward: Guests can come in, have some drinks, and when the creative light bulb comes on, grab a pen and draw your vision of Lincoln. You can then stick him anywhere around the bar for others to enjoy.

They used to be drawn on cocktail napkins, but due to concerns from the fire marshal, fire-retardant paper that resembles the napkins are now provided.

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The bar itself also has its own Lincoln accessories including photos of him, a wanted poster related to his assassination, and signs with the bar's logo which features Lincoln holding a beer mug.

A crew works outside of Abe's on Lincoln on Wednesday, October 4, 2023.
A crew works outside of Abe's on Lincoln on Wednesday, October 4, 2023.

Abe's is owned by a local company called the Gaslight Group whose director of marketing and communications, Carey Ferrara, explained that the initial concept simply came from the fact that the bar is located at 17 Lincoln St. The drawings were something driven by the customers that took on a life of itself and was not something the owners initiated.

"It just kind of took over," Ferrara said. "It has taken over all of our walls and ceilings....we go through and call out the best ones and then our bar manager, Mike, he'll take the those and frame them. In the past, he's given those frames to local charities to use to auction off."

But Abe's character isn't just about top hats and beards. While it's housed in what was a 19th-century-home, Abe's takes pride in being a relaxed, no-frills dive bar with beer, some mixed-drinks, and music.

Plus, just as Lincoln fought against division, Abe's is all about inclusion.

"Whether you're wearing your bridal party outfit or your tank top and flip-flops, come on in," Ferrara said.

Those interested in learning more can follow Abe's on Facebook and Instagram or check out

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Abe's on Lincoln in Savannah has unique drawings in unique dive bar