Story of 'City Dog Moving to Wyoming and Befriending a Wild Fox' Is a Real-Life Disney Movie

Sometimes, animals can make the most unlikely friends. There have been so many stories from zoos and pet owners alike about priceless interspecies friendships, and they truly never get old. Whether it's a mama dog adopting an abandoned kitten or a bird hitching a ride on a turtle in the wild, there are so many sweet ways that animals interact with one another. If only I could watch them all!

One adorable story about interspecies friendship comes from rural Wyoming, where a curious pup got a visit from an even more curious wild animal--a red fox! The skinny young fox followed the dog and his owner on a walk, and before they knew it, they were the best of friends.

On November 21, the owner of Katmai the klee kai (say that five times fast) posted the sweet video compilation telling the story of the fox and the hound (literally!)

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OMG--could this get any cuter? The playful dog clearly enjoys having a new friend, and it seems like the fox is having fun, too. Props to Katmai's mom for raising such a friendly dog, and for trusting him around the wild animal!

Related: Dog Befriending Family's New Kitten Is A True Love Story

Naturally, a few of the commenters were concerned about the small dog's safety while walking in the wild and playing with a wild animal, and that's understandable, but foxes have not been known to present a threat to dogs. They are not pack hunters, either! Katmai the klee kai was supervised the whole time he was with his fox friend, so he was never in any real danger.

After making his new friend, the red fox seemed to disappear over the summer months. But now he's back! He played with his BFF like no time passed at all, and I'm convinced it could put a smile on anyone's face. The relationship between these two is straight out of a Disney movie!

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