Spring Snow Storm Transforms American Southwest Into Mid-Winter Conditions

Bonus skiing? Say more.

A powerful spring snowstorm has left ski resorts across the American southwest sporting winter coats as we enter the final days of April, 2024.

Brian Head Resort, Utah and Lee Canyon, Nevada picked up enough snow to extend their seasons with bonus weekends.

Lee Canyon, located less than hour from the Las Vegas Strip, is adding a third "Spring Session" from Friday, May 3rd to Sunday, May 5th. The resort recorded 6 inches of new snow in the last 48 hours bringing their seasonal snowfall total to 221 inches, significantly above the annual average of 129 inches.

Over in Utah, Brian Head is celebrating 10 inches of new snow and 306 inches on the season. The resort intended on closing after Sunday, May 5th, but is opening for a bonus weekend on Saturday, May 12th and Sunday, May 13th.

The biggest winner of the storm was Arizona Snowbowl, which recorded a whopping 30 inches of new snow.

The resort shared a highlight reel of powder skiing from the storm on social media. The video below looks like it was taken in February, not the last weekend of April! Tap to watch.

With just a week left on the season, the 30 inches of new snow took the resort to 281 inches, more than 20 inches above their reported seasonal average.

Despite the monster storm, Arizona Snowbowl will be closed Monday-Friday this week, but will reopen on Saturday and Sunday for one final weekend of operations.

If you're debating on getting one or two more days this season, let this article be your sign to do it.

Spring skiing can be fickle with the ever-changing conditions, but you won't regret a few slushy laps in early-May when you're sweltering in the doldrums of July.

Pack a T-shirt, lather up the sunscreen, and work on your wiggle. It's spring!

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