Snowmobilers Trigger Large Avalanche In The British Columbia Backcountry

Earlier this week, snowmobiler Jerry Mcarthur shared drone footage of a large avalanche in the British Columbia backcountry.

Mcarthur noted that no one was hurt. He also explained that avalanche conditions are "extremely spicy."

It makes sense when you look at the numbers. Whistler Blackcomb, British Columbia, is coming off a massive storm that dumped multiple feet of snow. And when it snows, avalanches usually follow.

Avalanche Canada issued a Special Public Avalanche Warning (SPAW) through the end of yesterday, citing "dangerous conditions."

"As the active storm period passes, widespread natural avalanche activity will slow," the report reads. "However, human-triggered avalanches remain likely."

With another storm in the forecast, the area around Whistler Blackcomb and Squamish likely won't get a break.

Whistler Blackcomb's weather forecast predicts that multiple feet of snow could fall by Wednesday next week.

It's cause for caution and concern. The powder firehouse turned on a bit late at Whistler Blackcomb, but the snow's finally starting to stack up. That said, playing it safe over the coming days is wise.

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