YouTubers Build The "World's Biggest Sled Jump"

In their latest video, the Sickos—think Jack*ss meets snowsports with more of a family-friendly tone—built what they're calling the "world's biggest sled jump."

Instead of a classic sled, the Sickos use something that's better suited to high speeds: an inflatable kayak.

And, never ones to disappoint, they built an enormous, perhaps record-breaking, jump.

The results are about as entertaining as you expect, with the final high-speed attempt producing some of the best slow-motion snowsports footage I've seen all season.

Notably, this isn't the crew's first outing on an inflatable kayak. Last winter, at what looks to be the same jump spot, they also built a jump for an inflatable kayak—however, their more recent attempt involved much more amplitude.

Hailing from Hood River, Oregon, the Sickos have quickly drummed up a significant follower base since they started uploading videos. On YouTube they have over 300,000 followers.

The numbers add up. Sometimes, after a long day at work, watching a couple of 20-somethings dream up and execute an absurd stunt is the best way to unwind.

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