Skier Slides Metal Rails With Only One Ski

Pro skier Fabian Bösch has grown tired of the advantages two skis bring.

In his latest stunt, he ditches an entire ski, sliding rails and navigating the terrain park on one foot before clicking back into the discarded ski mid-run.

Bösch certainly hit stuntman status with this one. As anyone who's been forced to do single-leg ski drills knows, trying to stay upright with one ski isn't the easiest thing. Trying to click your ski on and off while moving is also quite challenging. That might even be the most impressive part of this video from Bösch.

My favorite thing about this video isn't Bösch's incredible knee strength, nor his pitch-perfect frontflip, though. It's the comments section below the video.

One confused (or effectively trolling) commenter was convinced that Bösch's video couldn't be real and must be a reversed footage clip. For the record, some intentionally deceptive videos online use reversed footage to create a desired effect.

But in this case? That's silly. Trying to ski uphill with one ski is even harder (read: probably impossible) than the alternative—just skiing down on one foot.

The commenter's confusion is a testament to Bösch's skill, though. Professional skiing has reached a point where much of it might look fake to the nascent viewer. I get it. If I were unfamiliar with the action sports world and stumbled across Bösch's one-legged clip, I, too, would probably be trying to figure out what the trick is. Truth, in this case, is probably more exciting than fiction—humans have some incredible talents.

Related: Fitness Influencer Attempts Multiple Frontflips During Ski Trip

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