Skier Shares Most Recent 'Violent Tomahawk'

Utah-based skier Taylor Pratt got vulnerable on X (twitter) with a clip of "one of the most violent tommy’s [he] had in a while from about a week ago."

Filmed at Alta, UT, this crash looks like a full on yardsale. Until the snow-cloud clears and it turns out he somehow has both skis still on. Watch below.

For the record, Taylor makes a lot of drops. Just check out his Instagram. But no one gets to the top by playing it safe. Tomahawking is part of life. Every dedicated skier can share their own heartfelt story of their first, their worst, or their most recent tomahawk.

It's almost a badge of honor to recall a cliff you dropped, only to realize the ground wasn't as steep as you thought, or as close as you thought, or whatever the mistake may have been.

For those who wear touring setups in the resort, we salute you. But we also know you have at least twice the amount of tomahawking stories to share with us resort-setup-and-proud skiers.

I don't claim to be the expert on tomahawking (and not because I land a lot of things), but I'll end with this.

I was standing around a parking-lot-barbeque fire, and one kid in the circle asked, "is being rad mostly skill or sending everything?"

Another kid, after pausing a minute in thought, responded, "30% skill. 70% huck."

Related: I'm Not The Biggest Fan Of Skiing Tight Trees. Here's Why.

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