Skier Pays Price For Breaking The Golden Rule Of Park Skiing

There are many unofficial rules of entering the park: be on twin tips, wear a sweatshirt, make sure your snowpants are as baggy as absolutely possible... on a serious note, there are lots of aspects of park etiquette that exist not for fashion, but safety reasons.

The number one safety rule was unfortunately broken and immediately regretted in this footage. Watch below.

This footage is absolutely cringe-inducing. The laugh from the cameraman at the beginning, the kids just standing there unaware, the clean hit, and no helmet on the kid who got hit.

Many viewers are now pointing fingers at the cameraman, asking why he didn't warn the skier coming down that there were people in the landing. It is unclear if he thought the skier could air over them, or if he just didn't think it would pose a problem.

However, it goes without saying that you never stand in the landing zone in a park. Could the cameraman have done more? Probably. But was it his responsibility to save the situation from happening? Not really.

Unfortunately, skiers hitting--or almost hitting--people in the landing zone isn't all that uncommon. Probably because you can't always see where you're landing when you air off a jump.

The only way to prevent this is to A, not stand in the landing zones of jumps, B, not ski through the park if you are not participating (this is directed at me, honestly) and C, watch out for others: gesture to friends above if the landing is clear or occupied. Sometimes people crash and get stuck. It might sound corny, but we all have the choice between being an active bystander or being part of the problem.

Related: Skier Nearly Hit Child Skiing In The Landing Zone

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