Skier Aleksander Aamodt Kilde Updates Fans After Terrifying 75mph Crash

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On Saturday, Norwegian alpine ski racer Aleksander Aamodt Kilde crashed at the Lauberhorn races in Wengen, he was airlifted to a nearby hospital where it was determined that he had a dislocated shoulder, two torn shoulder ligaments and a laceration on his calf (which needed on-site attention).

Today, Kilde posted "a little update" from his side.

In what appears to be screenshots from the Notes app, Kilde pens a heartfelt letter to everyone watching him.

"Thank you everyone for your support... just a quick update from my end. I am now back in Innsbruck with my mom and dad, and will be undergoing surgery again this afternoon for two torn ligaments in my shoulder."

"Considering the impact of the crash and the fact that I went into the net at 120 km/hr, I am doing surprisingly well. Of course, I am thankful there's no fracture, but I did sustain multiple injuries, including a pretty severe laceration on my calf with some nerve damage that required urgent surgery, and a shoulder dislocation."

120 km/hr is about 75 mph, the speed cars drive on the highway. 

Kilde joked that most people wouldn't want to see photos of the scene when he crashed, because it was so gruesome.

"I'll spare you guys the graphic photos of the laceration here, because not sure many could stomach them."

He went on to thank everyone who helped him, including all of his doctors, surgeons, and nurses in Bern, and especially his physio Henrik.

He thanked Mikaela and her family for being there when he came to, and his sponsors for sticking by his side through wins and crashes.

"It's tough, but these opportunities show us what we're made of."

He wished "the boys" good luck in Kitz this weekend, saying he hopes it's an entertaining race, but a safe one.

"I'll be watching!"

The positivity from Aleksander Kilde is absolutely unreal. We wish him a safe and speedy recovery, because this incident just cements even more how much of an athlete, and role model, he is.

Related: Pro Skier Aleksander Aamodt Kilde Airlifted To Hospital After Downhill Crash

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