Senior Chihuahua Surrendered Because His 'Breath Stinks' Gets Most Loving Happy Ending

For many people, choosing to surrender an animal is a hard, heartbreaking, process. So it's infuriating when someone gives their pet up for a reason that seems frivolous. Like a senior Chihuahua who was dropped off at a shelter for something that really made the internet mad.

It's stories like these that really get under our skin. How could anyone have turned their back on this little one?

The whole scenario was explained by @sarahmerg, who seemed just as frustrated as we were about the Chihuahua's situation.

"Surrendered to a shelter at 10 years old because "his breath stinks,'" she wrote in the video's onscreen caption.

Related: Chihuahua's Jealous Reaction to Parents Cuddling Is Too Cute

Can you even imagine? Even dogs with stinky breath deserve a good home. Luckily the Chihuahua, whose name is Louie, did find a permanent placement — with Sarah herself.

"I think you're prefect stinky breath and all," she wrote.

Awwww all's well that ends well. Commenters of the post were so thankful to Sarah for bringing the rescue dog home.

"Ughhh some people don’t deserve dogs. Y’all are awesome," wrote one person. "I have a stinky lil' Chihuahua without half his teeth and he’s the love of my life," someone else wrote. "He’s literally like a little snuggly teddy bear are you KIDDING," a third person exclaimed. "No, because I would do anything for him. Looks like he landed right where he needed to be," another commenter chimed in.

Getting Rid of Stinky Dog Breath

Just in case anyone else is dealing with their own stinky dog breath problems, let's go over some of the many ways you can treat it (without resorting to the extreme measures that Louie's old owner did).

Bad breath — where does it come from? Well most likely it's caused by bad oral hygiene and periodontal disease. Think of it this way, when humans don't clean their teeth they can get a build up of plaque and tartar which can lead to bacteria and then bad breath. Well the same is true for dogs too.

The best offense is a good defense, so make sure you brush your dog's teeth on a regular basis. There is special dog toothpaste you should use — never toothpaste meant for humans — and eventually your dog will get used to it. You'll also want to give your dog plenty of chew toys and dental treats too. If you notice there's a problem, contact your vet to see if your dog is a candidate for teeth cleaning. It might seem like a small thing, but making sure your dog has clean teeth can truly change their health for the best.

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