Scottish Fold Cat Called Out for Being a 'Helicopter Mom' and It's So On-Point

If you have human kids of your own, especially if they are young, then you probably know the annoyance of someone questioning your parenting choices. You know how you wanna mom and it's no one's business as to how you do it!

Well, this completely gorgeous Scottish Fold cat probably feels the same way, even though her kitten is probably a little old to be hauled around by its mama like this. She's being a total helicopter mom!

The best part about this video? The video creator is getting her floors nicely dusted at the same time this mommy cat is dragging her baby around. And it's too cute how the kitten looks just like her mom! You can just tell that this is one mom cat who will never be accused of neglecting her baby!

The hilariously adorable video was shared by the TikTok account for @Courtneyhasalotofcats and users are applauding this mama cat's parenting style. One person commented, "This is my child. I’ll parent the way I see fit." Another added, "She’s like 'don’t tell me how to parent!'" Another said, "Can't blame her. I also want to carry them both around everywhere." LOL! They are just so beautiful!

Related: Cat Claims Foster Kitten As 'His Baby' and We're in Love

Five Fun Facts about Scottish Fold Cats

Scottish Folds are famous for their distinctive folded ears, caused by a natural genetic mutation that affects the cartilage throughout their bodies.

Not all Scottish Folds have the same degree of ear folding; some may have a single fold, while others have a double or triple fold, creating a tightly folded appearance. Whatever, it all looks cute to me!

Scottish Folds come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, from solid colors to tabbies and everything in between, like this mama and her tiny cute little twin.

They are known for their affectionate and playful personalities, often enjoying the company of their human companions and other pets.

These gorgeous cats often sit in a "Buddha position," with their legs stretched out and paws on their belly, which many find adorable and amusing.

If you want your own Scottish Fold kitten, and who wouldn't because they are absolutely gorgeous, be prepared to shell out the big bucks. A Scottish Fold kitten usually costs between $1000 and $3000 dollars.

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