Rover Sitter Goes Above and Beyond to Help Puppy in Her Care After Owner Abandoned Him

As someone who's practically obsessed with my dogs, I have a difficult time understanding why people abandon their pets. Of course, difficult life circumstances can sometimes result in an animal being surrendered, but this should be a last resort when the pet's needs truly can't be met. But even then, abandoning a pet is never OK.

Unfortunately, one Rover dog sitter had to make some difficult decisions after an owner abandoned the puppy in her care. The German Shepherd puppy seemed to have a wonderful time with Rita, though, and she tried her best to keep everything lighthearted while she figured out what to do with the puppy named Ibo.

OMG! I can't believe someone would just abandon a dog, let alone a precious German Shepherd puppy like Ibo. He seems like the most friendly little dog, and I'm not surprised that his dog sitter (who became his temporary foster mom) started falling in love with him after just a week together. As she explained to inquisitive followers, though, she's not ready to adopt a dog right now.

Related: Man Hailed a Hero for Rescuing Abandoned Dog He Spotted From His High-Rise Window

When several commenters questioned her decision not to keep Ibo herself, she explained, "I’d want a dog someday, but I want to make sure I do it right. Give him the attention and time he deserves." That's such a responsible mindset to have! Raising a puppy is even more work than caring for an adult dog, so @ritavruso knew what she was doing when she reached out to the puppy's breeder.

This post's comment section is one of the few places where dog owners of all kinds are praising a breeder, and it's easy to see why. I agree that her willingness to drive 10 hours to pick up the puppy shows just what a responsible breeder she is. If she's willing to care for this puppy instead of letting a local shelter handle things, I feel confident that she'll find a perfect forever home for the little one.

Small Puppies Grow Up Into Big Dogs

Rits made the smart but difficult decision to say goodbye to Ibo after a week of selflessly caring for him, and many dog experts would agree she made the right decision. Even if she were able to give the puppy a home right now, things would look very different in just a few months.

According to the American Kennel Club, male German Shepherds can weigh up to 90 pounds and measure more than 26 inches tall at the shoulders. That means Ibo is going to be a big dog when he grows up! If this generous dog sitter wasn't ready to have a puppy, she definitely wouldn't be ready to have a huge dog, either.

She made the right decision for her and for the abandoned dog, and it was the best thing she could've done.