Rider Takes On Precipitously Exposed 'Power Line' Trail In Utah

The area around Virgin, Utah is a hotbed for technical steep desert lines. The sandstone mesas provide the perfect ridgelines for descending on a bike.

One rider who is quite the expert on riding there is Peter Jamison. Watch him descend to “Power Line” below.

Power Line is a steep trail with plenty of exposure, not uncommon for trails around Virgin. Peter blazes down the exposed ridgeline like it is nothing.

Related: Utah Rider Takes On One Of The Gnarliest Trails In The World At Full Speed

Virgin is the home to Red Bull Rampage, the most unique freeride event in the world where riders build lines down the steep sandstone and ride them. It is no wonder the area has attracted avid mountain bikers. The relatively warm dry climate makes it a destination for riders to visit in the winter.

Peter Jamison is a Utah local who has made a name for himself with his YouTube channel. Until the end of 2023, he rode for YT but thinning marketing budgets left him without a contract for this year. Read more about this below.

Related: Why One Rider Will Not Be Returning To Ride For YT Industries

Thankfully, the lack of a frame sponsor has not kept Jamison from putting out amazing content on his YouTube channel. His videos make him worth a follow.

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