Reuben Barrack's Raw Clips From 'Less Than Zero' Capture His Gritty Dedication

Zero recently shared just under 20 minutes of raw clips from Reuben Barrack's Less Than Zero part and they really show us all just how committed, dedicated and insanely creative Reuben's skating truly is. Find the time to digest some of these battles whenever you can, because they're bound to get you fired up.

It's obvious that Reuben clearly didn't hold back while filming for this video—his part (just in general) proved that without debate. But if you're like me, getting a little behind-the-scenes look at some of the sessions and all the brutal hard work that went into getting some of these tricks is admirable, to say the least.

The new generation of Zero ams are keeping the spirit of the brand alive, that's for sure. If you ask me, heavy slams and those heartbreaking close-calls have always been a part of what Zero represents and I'm humbled to see these hungry ams waving the flag high.

Related: Zero Keeps The Classics Coming With The Re-Release of Their Iconic 'Firebird' Graphic

No one in this crew has ever been known to hold back and it's hard to deny that the entire team still embodies that Zero grit we've always loved and appreciated. Can't wait to see what they cook up next. Yeah, Reuben!

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