Rescuer's Story of Saving a Scottish Fold Cat Who 'Once Knew Love' Has People in Tears

If you're someone who feels everything deeply like I do, it may be hard for you to scroll by videos of sad shelter animals or suspenseful rescues of a pet off the street. It truly breaks my heart to think about all of the animals in need of loving homes, but it brings me comfort to know that I'm doing what I can by sharing so many of these animals' stories. I've considered working in animal rescue, but I know that I mentally could not handle it. That's why I applaud those like cat rescuer Heidi for their unwavering dedication to animals.

On October 27, @heidiwranglescats posted an emotional video of her most recent rescue--a Scottish Fold cat she named Raymond. The fearful kitty who "once knew love" had been spotted in poor condition, but now he's safe and sound.

Pass the tissues, please! My heart shattered when I saw how frightened and beaten up Raymond looked, but I know he's in the best possible hands with now that Heidi caught the feline. She knows exactly how to create a safe space for him to adjust and feel like his best self.

Related: Rescued Senior Street Cat's Reaction to Feeling a Bed for the First Time Is Beautiful

Even though things are only looking up, it's hard to think about how Raymond was most likely an indoor cat who was abandoned. This kitty's small, folded ears are one hint that he's from a popular domestic cat breed called the Scottish Fold cat. Seeing one of these cats on the street is not common at all, nor is it common for a feral cat to be in such poor shape. Clearly, he was not used to being outside!

While Heidi hasn't provided an update quite yet, I feel so relieved knowing that Raymond is with someone who will love him and give him time. After all, rescue pets need extra time to feel safe in a new space! Before we know it, though, this gray and white cat will be thriving.

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