Purgatory, Colorado, Announces Pond Skim And Closing Dates

As spring dawns on skiers across North America, Purgatory Resort in the San Juan mountains of Colorado joins the masses and bids farewell to winter.

Luckily, there's something to look forward to: the annual Pond Skim event on April 14th. See below.

For the pond skim, space is limited, so only the first 100 people to sign up get in. Participants can sign up inside the ticket office at the will call desk on the day of the event starting at 9:30am, and there is a $15 entry fee.

Skiers and riders must be at least 12 years old to enter. Also, a signed waiver is required. If the skier or rider is under 18, your parent must be there to sign the waiver.

There will be prizes awarded for the best skim (male and female), the best wipeout, and the best costumes.

Officials at Purgatory wrote some advice to those who plan to pond skim:

"First, come in hot if you want to clear the pond. A speed check right before you hit the pond could sink you. It’s called pond skimming, not pond skiing, for a reason! Second, leave the ski poles at home. Those can easily rip our precious pool liner."

Fair enough.

While Sunday also marks the end of daily operations, Purgatory will remain open weekends, April 19 - 21 and April 26 - 28.

Also new this season, weekend operations at Purgatory will now include Fridays.

Conditions at Purgatory are currently solid: a base depth of 55 inches, and 8 inches of fresh snow over the last 5 days. The resort has received 227 inches so far this season.

4 out of 11 lifts are open, and 105 of 107 trails are open. On Wednesday, it was 35 degrees F and there was a 62 degree high during the day.

While we're sad about things winding down, pond skims are always cause for celebration.

Related: Closing Dates Announced For Vermont Ski Resorts

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