Pros Link Up For Star-Studded "Party Train"

One of the more fun activities in riding is a “party train,” when a large group of friends descends a trail one after another.

As it turns out, even the pros like it. Watch Bernard Kerr lead a star-studded party train in New Zealand below.

In this video, a long line of pros hit a jump into a turn, absolutely blasting the turn. Bernard Kerr was riding with the Vanzacs, a group of Australian and New Zealand riders. Their name pays homage to the two country's joint army corps.

The Vanzacs are a group of racers founded when they decided to band together and cram into a van to save money racing World Cups halfway around the world. The Vanzacs are known for their rowdiness and loose riding, on full display here.

Related: Pro Destroys Corner On E-bike

Though Kerr is a Brit, he has spent a lot of time in New Zealand. In fact, some of his iconic edits were filmed in Queenstown. Watch them below.

It is no secret why a rider would want to go to New Zealand for their summer. Between cold rain and snow, and endless party trains like this, the choice is obvious!

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