Professional Skier Takes On The United States' Steepest In-Bounds Trail

Rambo, at Crested Butte Mountain Resort, Colorado, is widely considered to be the United States' steepest tree-cut in-bounds run.

For many, such a title wouldn't prove alluring. However, for professional skier Drew Petersen, it wasn't just enticing—it was an invitation.

The helmet cam caveat prevails. While obviously gnarly at face value, this video doesn't fully do Rambo justice. It's much, much steeper than it looks, clocking in at 55 degrees. And that's not to mention the moguls and underbrush Petersen gracefully danced around.

That's the thing I've wondered about Rambo. In Crested Butte's watershed, the snowpack (or snow water equivalent, to be precise) is about normal, yet Rambo still looks like an early season run thanks to all the undergrowth.

Maybe Rambo's everlasting heinousness is part of the appeal, though. This was clearly the case for Petersen. "Yes, I really do freaking love this flavor of skiing," he wrote in the caption to his post.

Honestly? I get it.

I've spent much more time skiing chalk and refrozen mank than powder. It's gotten to the point where I actually feel more comfortable skiing snow most would consider unpleasant.

While I still have some powder hound in me, but I can appreciate—heck, even enjoy—the satisfaction of blasting some hardpack with perfect form like Petersen. Add a pair of narrow, stiff skis to the equation, and you're in for a good time.

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