Pioneer Elementary School students wrap up school year with Panther Prowl Walk

May 24—All grade levels of Pioneer Elementary School enjoyed some outdoor fun Wednesday afternoon at the school's first Panther Prowl Walk. Carrying themed banners, the kids walked, ran and played around the school's property as part of the event to conclude the school year.

Physical education teacher Abby Armick said the idea for the event came from a teacher's meeting. She and another teacher had held similar events at previous schools they had worked at, so she said they thought of using the extra half day to have a trial run for the walk.

"We had awards all morning long, the kiddos were kind of cooped up and they were really kind of getting tired of recess," Armick said. "The last couple of days, getting close to the end of the year, they've had lots of extra recesses, so this was a little bit different and it was a little more fun."

Each grade, from pre-k to sixth, dressed according to a different theme which included formal wear, sports, Hawaiian, neon, tie dye, red, white and blue, Disney and yellow The grades also each made a banner to hold as they walked that corresponded to their theme.

Following a golf cart, the grades began their walk around the school's property one after another. Along the way, they stopped at a couple of tables serving water and popsicles. Another table had a bubble machine that blew bubbles into the air, which the kids enjoyed walking through.

The school's mascot, Peppy the Panther, also made an appearance and walked alongside the kids. Some grades walked around more than once, but others stopped at one or two laps. Afterwards, kids were dismissed to play on the school's playground.

"I liked it, it was a great experience," fifth-grader Danny Cole said. "Lots of fun things like the popsicles and the water. Overall, it was a lot of fun."

Fifth-graders Adilynn Huff and Olivia Martin both said they would like to do the event again, and Martin said her favorite parts were the popsicles and water. Sixth-grader Jalynn Lebo said it was a pretty fun event and she liked walking around, although her formal clothes were not fun to walk around in.

"I hope I can do it again, but not in these clothes," Lebo said.

Although it was hot, sixth grade teacher Sarah Schwarz also said she had fun at the Panther Prowl Walk. She said it was nice to get the students up and moving after being inside all morning, and said it would be fun to do the walk again.

If teachers approve and enjoyed the walk, Armick said she plans on doing the walk again. She thought the event was wonderful and was glad the weather worked out for them.

"... it was supposed to be cloudy and rainy, so weather did turn out very nice for us," Armick said. "I think the kiddos really enjoyed it and I think the teachers did as well."