‘Physical 100’ Is Back For 9 Episodes of Grueling Fitness Challenges

a group of men pushing boulders up a hill
‘Physical 100’ Season 2 Is Finally HereNetflix

WHEN YOU THINK of Netflix reality shows, your first guess may be a dating show, like Love Is Blind or The Ultimatum. But not everyone wants to hear about relationship woes and wedding drama. Thankfully, Netflix offers grittier, tenser competition shows like Squid Game: The Challenge. And for those of us who enjoy something even more intense than that, there's Physical: 100.

The show follows 100 athletes, influencers, and everything in between who are all as fit as they could possibly be. Through wild challenges that test the limits of their strength, flexibility, and speed, contestants compete to determine who among them can win it all. If you enjoyed the idea of Squid Game: The Challenge, with its large cast narrowed down to a more manageable number to root for, plus seemingly impossible tasks, Physical: 100 could be for you.

In Season 1, contestants endured tough tests, starting from a challenge where everyone hung from bars until their arms gave out (hint: anyone with gymnastics experience did really well). Toward the end of the season, everyone competed in challenges inspired by ancient Greek myths: pushing boulders up a rock, chasing each other in a relay race fashion, and keeping a boulder up for as long as possible, like Atlas holding up the sky. And even when contestants got down to the final two, it was anything but a cake walk.

If all that interests you in more Physical: 100, you're in luck. The show is back for Season 2, and with it, there's all new contestants and all new challenges that'll surely ramp up from the first season.

When do new episodes premiere?

The next batch of episodes for Physical: 100 Season 2 premiere on March 26.

How many episodes is Physical: 100 Season 2?

There are nine episodes in Physical: 100 Season 2. Four are currently available to stream.

Here's the official release schedule for Physical: 100 Season 2:

New episodes premiere on Tuesdays on Netflix.

Stream Physical: 100 Here

Episode 1: Now streaming as of March 19

Episode 2: Now streaming as of March 19

Episode 3: Now streaming as of March 19

Episode 4: Now streaming as of March 19

Episode 5: Streaming on March 26

Episode 6: Streaming on March 26

Episode 7: Streaming on March 26

Episode 8: Streaming on April 2

Episode 9: Streaming on April 2

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