Pet Sloth's Sweet Love for Mom Has Everyone Falling in Love

The majority of pet parents have dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, and the like. However, some people choose to go a more exotic route, such as having a pet sloth!

Katie Robinson is one loving sloth owner, and it's safe to say she's formed an incredibly strong bond with the little animal! In a video she shared on January 6, we see just how much her sloth, Ellie, adores her. Warning: after watching this footage, you'll want one too!

Aww, Ellie even knows her name! That squeaky little sound is everything. She honestly couldn't be more precious.

Related: Sloth's Daring Escape Even Has His Owner in Shock

I don't know much about sloths, but one thing is for certain: they seem gentle and loving. It's fair to say Ellie loves her human caretaker more than sweet potatoes. In case you're wondering where they found her, the family bought her from an ethical breeder in Florida, and she's still a baby, hence her size.

Fun Facts About Sloths

Here are some interesting facts about sloths you might not be aware of.

There are two kinds of sloths.

There are three-toed sloths and two-toed ones. Ellie belongs to the two-toed group since she only has two claws.

They're super slow.

I mean, there's a reason they're called sloths. Not only do they move slowly, but their metabolism is also extremely slow from all the vegetation and tree sap they consume.

That's why they don't eat much during the day. Their slow nature also helps them survive in the wild by conserving energy. Who knew?

They mostly hang upside down.

This shouldn't come as a surprise, but they mostly spend their time hanging upside down, even sleeping. And they sleep a lot—around 15 hours a day.

Their fur lives and breathes.

It's made from microorganisms, such as fungi and algae, which is believed to help them blend in with the trees since it's green. It's the perfect camouflage to hide from predators, and the algae also gives off nutrients.

They can get old.

The oldest living sloth recorded turned 43 years old. However, the average lifespan for two-toed sloths is up to 20 years.

They can be vocal.

Sloths can produce high-pitched sounds, just like Ellie does. However, in nature, it's mostly because they feel threatened or distressed.

They're great swimmers.

Aside from spending most of their time climbing trees, they're also excellent swimmers. However, they're a bit clumsy on land and wouldn't go far trying to navigate on all fours.

I'm not sure how common it is to keep a sloth, but with a license, you can certainly have an exotic animal, just like Ellie. At least in Florida, that is.

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