Paris Jackson Debuts Platinum Blond Pixie Cut


Paris Jackson, daughter of the late Michael Jackson, has turned to Instagram once again to debut her new ’do: a fresh, platinum Miley Cyrus-style pixie cut, now complete after a double-process color job kept fans waiting for a week to see the final version.

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Long gone are the days of her voluminous brunette mane. And while the chop part might have been quick and painless, changing the color from black to platinum made the transformation process a complex one.


Photo: Instagram

Still, Jackson made it look like fun, sharing an early update on her change and rocking the “awkward phase” of orange hair on Instagram with a playful nod to David Bowie. Admitting to the hardships of beauty, Jackson captioned he photo: “you gotta embrace the awkward phase from jet black to blonde where it’s pretty much orange… ch ch ch ch changes.”


So far, social media fans have loved the new look, calling her “beautiful,” “awesome,” and “stunning” on her Instagram page.

Related: What You Need to Know About Going Platinum

All of which might inspire you to want to try the same “it” girl platinum locks. But how to proceed without unnecessarily damaging your hair? To make the switch, consider following the advice of Rachel Bodt, senior colorist at Cutler Salon in New York City, who previously shared tips with Yahoo Beauty on how to go platinum: Prepare for multiple trips to the salon, have a careful consult, get help picking the right tone for your skin color, prepare for frequent touchups, and stick with moisturizing hair products.


Photo: Instagram

Also, Bodt warned, be aware that such a color choice is not a walk in the park, since “the color process is one of the most damaging things you can do to your hair and requires a lot of upkeep, [so] you want to make sure your lifestyle allows for the commitment.”

But if you’re ready for the change, just take a page from the Jackson playbook and go for it.

(Top photo: Instagram @ParisJackson)