What Is Numerology and How Does It Work? Your Complete Guide to This Belief System

Numbers floating near a woman's open hands, depicting numerology

Attention Potterheads, did you know there’s a connection between Hogwarts and numerology? It’s true! If you were a third-year student who was captivated by numbers and their influence on the universe, you could enroll in a class called Arithmancy, which was taught by Professor Vector. While Harry was never interested in it, Hermione was. In fact, she loved learning about the magical properties numbers have and called it her favorite subject.

And even though we muggles don’t have access to that particular number-driven course taught in the wizarding world, in our lives, a close equivalent to it is numerology, which is used by numerologists. Their in-depth knowledge of numbers gives them the unique opportunity to share the deeper meanings and energetic influences that certain digits can have in one’s life. 

To learn more about the mystical world of numerology, Parade spoke with professional numerologist and author of A Little Bit of Numerology and A Little Bit of Angel Numbers, Novalee Wilder.

She reveals everything from how numerology works, to what different numbers mean and more! If you’re intrigued, keep reading to get a quick rundown of everything it entails.

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What Is Numerology?

Wilder explains that numerology is basically a universal language of numbers. “It is an ancient esoteric science that looks at and deciphers the energy and vibration behind numbers and letters,” she explains. "Once you learn the ends and out of numerology, you can then uncover all kinds of information about individual people…and the world! You can also use what you discover to help others with self-awareness, reframe their challenges, highlight their gifts and make them appreciate their differences.”

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How Does Numerology Work?

“In the eyes of a numerologist, the world is shaped and expressed through numbers and the energy behind them,” Wilder explains. “Numerologists look at the numbers in a person's birthdate and then translate them into a blueprint for what their soul wants to explore, share and grow during this lifetime. They can also use numerology to further look at the names people carry, the house numbers they live in and how those things interact with the numbers in a person’s birthdate as well.”

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Where Does Numerology Originate From?

Numerology has been around for a long time. “Western numerology can be traced back to Pythagoras who lived around 570–490 BCE, while Chaldean numerology can be traced back to the Chaldeans and Babylonians from 2300-900 BCE, and Indian numerology can be traced back to some of the oldest Vedas from 1500–1200 BCE,” Wilder tells Parade.

What Are the Main Numbers in Numerology?

When it comes to numerology, certain numbers matter more than others and hold more value. “The main numbers are 1-9,” Wilder says. “The numbers 1-9 are known as base numbers. Beyond the single numbers, compound numbers show us specific attributes, influences or aspects of the single numbers that are amplified for that person or entity. A numerologist will always break compound numbers down into their digit sum to discover the foundation of the person they’re dealing with.”

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'How Do I Know My Numerology Number?'

If you’re curious how you can find out what your numerology number is, Wilder says it’s pretty simple. You just have to know the right equation. “To find your base numbers, you have to find the digit sum of the day and year you were born, these will be your first and second base numbers,” she states. “For example, I was born on July 28, 1986. To find my base numbers, all I have to do is calculate the digit sum of the day and year.”

2 + 8 (the day) = 10, so 1 + 0 = 1
1 is the first base number.

1 + 9 + 8 + 6 (the year) = 24, so 2 + 4 = 6

6 is the second base number.

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Is Numerology Linked to Astrology?

If you had a feeling that numerology and astrology were connected, Wilder says your inkling was right! “Numerology and astrology are like sister sciences,” she clarifies. “You see, without numbers, astrology wouldn't exist because for many astrologers, adding the insight of a person's base numbers and numeroscope gives them extra insight into a horoscope. In fact, when you look back at historical texts, it seems that numerology and astrology were not taught or passed on as stand-alone systems. Instead, they were always overlapping, so it’s assumed that a practitioner of one system would have at least a basic understanding of the other.”

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Each Base Number's Meaning

Once you figure out what your base numbers are, it’s time to see what they mean. “You should read about your first base number and then look into your second base number for more depth because you're actually a mix of those two energies,” Wilder suggests.

Here, she tells Parade the meaning behind base numbers 1-9.


If you’re a one, you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month in any year. This is the number of new beginnings, the start of everything and the first original spark of creativity. Often the center of attention, the energy of those who are ones draw us close, like planets circling the sun.

People who are ones lead others in a new direction and like to conquer the unknown. This is the number of the masculine because it’s outwardly active and has a natural drive. People who have it as their base number are born to be in charge. They have a stable, positive outlook on life and want to be the best at whatever they do. Their ambition will make them work to get ahead, and their sun-fueled energy and vitality will make them initiate new ventures.


If you’re a two, you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th of any month in any year. This number represents sensitive and playful immersion in the joy of life.

Since the moon rules this number, those with it dive deep into the feminine side of wisdom and emotion. Overall, twos are gentle souls. They have sensitive and understanding hearts. Because of this openness, they have the gift of empathy. People who are twos quickly pick up on others' emotional states and adapt to them.

Twos are known as the happy numbers, since good times and high spirits are easy for them to flow with and absorb, thanks to the fact that they can get high on other people’s happiness. However, this also makes it tough for twos to detach from other people’s emotional lives and remain in their own bubble.

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If you’re a three, you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month in any year. Three is the number of strength and follow-through. Success and failure are exciting teachers in the scope of this vibration because their self-worth is built around ambitious goals since ambition is what drives them.

Their standards are high and others are not always as willing to work as long and as hard as they do. The amount of perfectionism inherent in threes makes it very difficult for them to fail. In their mind, there is only one right answer, and only the best will do, which means second place is losing. As a result, their life can be very black-and-white.

These high standards they set for themselves can be tough to meet, especially as a child or young adult. To do their best, they think they must invest themself in everything.


If you’re a four, you were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month in any year. Four is the number of change, revolution and forward-thinking. Curious and open to taking chances and exploring the world from all perceivable angles, this number has a fundamentally outside-in view of the world. They are passionate, innovative and want to explore and experience everything.

They are unconventional and can range from the “rebel without a cause outcast” to the “celebrated genius,” thus, they love to break the rules—not necessarily to make a mess, but just to see what happens. Their eyes are pulled toward the gaps and areas in the world that need their unconventional approach, so if they can figure out a way to make a situation better, they will work to make it a reality. No matter if it’s in their personal life or career, they like to change things up and test out their own rules.


If you’re a five, you were born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month in any year. Fives are a number that can connect and work with all other numbers because of their natural, talkative and people-centered focus.

Constantly socially engaged and fueled by new inputs, fives flow through the world easily by shaking hands with all other energies. Moving fast and buoyantly, this number jumps from one meeting to the next, exchanging value and clarity.

Those who are fives are all about movement and energy, which is why fives can’t stand still for very long, or repeat a task over and over again. Instead, they like to constantly try new things, experience something different, and are achingly curious about people and lives other than their own.

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If you’re a six, you were born on the 6th, 15th or 24th of any month in any year. Six is the number of beauty in all its forms as those who are sixes seek harmony and pleasure from their surroundings.

Those who are this number can change the world by the depth of their devotion to others. They will care genuinely for others and are always ready to help out. As a balanced vibration, sixes are pure love who will sacrifice his or her own needs to help loved ones—like a parent for their child.

Sixes are also strong, enduring, caring and sensitive people who have a magnetic draw on their surroundings. Because of these traits, it’s natural for those who are sixes to interfere if they feel like they can diffuse a tense situation or resolve an argument.


If you’re a seven, you were born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month in any year. Sevens have a direct line to the other side. They are the number of spiritual insights, which is why they can detach from human limitations and connect to the higher realms of intuition and inspiration.

With quirky and inviting personalities, sevens are open and receptive to messages from above and around them. Sevens are also the gentlest base number. However, “gentle” does not mean weakness, as they are very individualistic and should be supported in taking action on their dreams.

They also have a soft and clear presence that pulls people in and are blessed with an extraordinary creative streak, which enables them to combine ideas and inputs like no other base number can.

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If you’re an eight, you were born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month in any year. Those with this number possess a high level of independence, self-sufficiency and individualism, which results in them not really being interested in other people’s opinions about their life choices.

Eights are one of the base numbers that are marked by fate. This means those people are signed up for a life filled with contrasts. However, because of that, their survival instincts are strong and they can get over almost anything life throws at them.

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If you’re a 9, you were born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month in any year. Nine is the number of completion as it wraps up the journey of base numbers.

Nines are the embodiment of the warrior’s strength and willpower. They will work exceptionally hard to achieve their goals and, like the base numbers one and three, they possess strong leadership skills.

In the early years, challenges can arise when dealing with this power since it also comes with a good deal of [changing] temperament, which is why most nines have a steep learning curve when it comes to how to deal with their own strength. They can go through a period of crippling shyness and politeness and then explode with rage and emotional outbursts.

Great power can be hard for them to manage, however, nines can master how to take ownership of the full spectrum of human expression and can find a way to share the spotlight with others.

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