"This Is Not An X Games Place"- Electric Moto Rider Confronted

Surrons are electric dirt bikes that are becoming more and more common. Even though they should be licensed by the state to be used on roads, many riders do not obey the laws.

Some Surron riders even take them into public parks to ride. Watch as a poacher at a public park gets in an altercation with a family trying to enjoy a nice day.

In this video, a park user tells a Surron rider that the park is not the place for a motorbike. As is often the case with these videos, this one was posted by the Surron rider and framed as a Karen interaction.

Ignoring the fact that the demographic definition of a Karen was not met in this video, stopping someone on a motorcycle from riding in a park is not at all Karen behavior.

For one, ripping around on the Surron is dangerous when there are families at the park. Though the rider is probably steering clear of people, he could lose control at any time and cause an injury.

Furthermore, It is not unreasonable to want to protect green spaces like the grass at this park. Motorbikes with beefy tires like those on a Surron can truly destroy the grass. Keeping Surrons off the grass is incredibly reasonable to want.

Related: Arrogant E-Dirt Bikers Rip Up Public Park, Cops Called

Seeing the behavior of Surron riders and the online responses is certainly disheartening.

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