Arrogant E-Dirt Bikers Rip Up Public Park, Cops Called

Surrons are Electric Dirt Bikes that are here to stay. Despite the fact that Surrons have similar power and speed to gas-powered motorbikes, the riders do not seem to be beholden to the same constraints moto riders are.

Often people ride them through neighborhoods and public parks. Watch a video of some kids on Surrons tearing up public parks below.

In this video, the Surron riders take a tour of their neighborhood. They start in a public park and rip around. The most infuriating part of the video is how they treat the sandy volleyball court as their personal motorcycle course. Heck, it seems like they sprayed half of the sand onto the grass.

Though Surrons are the least of the problems befalling public parks these days, it is wanton destruction.

Eventually, these kids get the cops called on them for riding around on private property. This occurs at 5:31 in the video. Though the homeowner kindly asks the youths to stop because they are chewing up the retaining hill his house is built on, they antagonize him and tell him to call the cops. Of course, the kids leave before they arrive, calling into question their claimed right to ride there.

Though the Surrons will probably just cause minor erosion on that hill, the number of landslides California saw in its wet winter last year should at least lend credence to caution.

The ironic part about this video is that they spend much of it riding their Surrons in a generally responsible way. They spent a great deal of time underneath powerlines and on an abandoned hillside. These areas are perfect for riding Surrons because they are not bothering anyone.

It is their need to ride through public parks and on people’s front hillsides that alienates them. Hopefully, ticketing illegal riding will stop people from doing it.

Related: "Those Are Illegal Here"- Mountain Biker Confronts Electric Bike Riders

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