Northern Lights Appear At Montana Ski Resort

Big Sky Resort, Montana, was treated to a visit from the Aurora Borealis earlier this week.

The resort caught the ethereal light show with its webcams on the nights of November 5th and November 6th.

Here's a look.

I gotta say, that's a crankin view. Big Sky's peak with the glimmers of colorful light in the background? To die for.

Imagine taking a headlamp night lap down Big Sky as billowing sheets of light dance overhead -- an inclusion has been added to my informal skiing bucket list, alongside catching a heli in Alaska to ride some spines.

It's tough to say which bucket list item is more realistic, although I'm leaning towards skiing under the northern lights -- something tells me Matchstick Productions won't come calling just for me to waste their footage floundering down an Alaskan line.

Based on NOAA's Aurora Borealis forecast, the window for Montanans to view the northern light has mostly closed. Tonight, NOAA predicts that the northern lights will only appear above Canada and Alaska if that (note: the forecast might've changed since this article was written). To those hoping to keep tabs on what the Aurora Borealis is up to, take a look at the forecast dashboard from NOAA I referenced here -- it's really slick.

Big Sky Resort, which recently announced the impending opening of its new Lone Peak Tram, will start its ski season on November 22nd. No word on if the Aurora Borealis plans to make an appearance, though -- stay tuned.

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