The Most Important Tip For Mastering Chicken And Waffles

displayed serving of chicken and waffles
displayed serving of chicken and waffles - Mohamed-Kareem Mohamed/Shutterstock

From the delicious eggs benedict to a mouth-watering French toast, many brunch dishes involve a straightforward assembly of ingredients but are executed with utmost care. For an enjoyable Sunday dining affair, you want those eggs perfectly runny, pancakes fluffy, and coffee flowing freely.

Such attention to detail is relevant to chicken and waffles, too. The dish's magic really all rests in its textural contrasts. You want the interior meat nice and juicy while the exterior of the fried chicken is perfectly crispy. It all goes on a delectably fluffy waffle and gets a drizzle of flavorful syrup on top. Such juxtaposition is essential to the dish -- no one wants an overly dry or mushy rendition.

So, to master the dish, it's essential to take care of every component rather than adding more toppings or complex flavors. Take the steps for the best fried chicken, and whip up the waffle batter with care. Put it all together to craft a flawless chicken and waffles with bourbon-maple syrup, invoking that flavor twist through the sticky sauce.

Read more: Hacks That Will Make Boiling Your Eggs So Much Easier

Prepare All Chicken And Waffle Components To An Ideal Texture

close up of chicken and waffle plate
close up of chicken and waffle plate - Elena Veselova/Shutterstock

Chicken and waffles stems from mysterious origins, with parallel theories regarding its emergence. However, it's most strongly associated with the Black community, likely first crafted -- or at least popularized -- by emigrants from the south heading north. So, for the most classic rendition, use methods common in soul food. As a result, a classic buttermilk fried chicken recipe is the best method for the bird. A brine will get that interior meat perfectly juicy, while a seasoned flour crust is best for the perfect exterior crisp. It's also wise to stick to this fine-powdered coating rather than a bready crust since the dish is accompanied by a waffle -- you don't want too many doughy elements in the mix.

The waffle component is more malleable in nature, but you are looking for some airiness in the interior. Try some cornstarch for waffles that are soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. Assemble the components with equal care as a baking endeavor. Mix the wet and dry components separately, and get the waffle iron nice and hot for optimal results.

Finally, the syrup is the ingredient for flavor experimentation. Give a nod to the south by deepening the flavor of maple syrup with a splash of bourbon. Alternatively, integrate spice by making a batch of hot honey. Either way, give each component such care, and the chicken and waffles will be one to remember.

Read the original article on Tasting Table