Monster Pro Downhill Series Posts Race Broadcast From Round One

Over the weekend, some of the fastest American racers gathered in Rock Creek, North Carolina for the first round of the Monster Energy Pro Downhill series.

Today the series released the broadcast of the race on YouTube. Watch the coverage below.

The Monster Pro Downhill series brought out some fast riders. Dak Norton, Luca Shaw, Richie Rude, and many other fast American racers came out for the men. Similarly, some truly  fast women like Aletha Ostgard, Kailey Skelton, Fride Ronning, and Erice Van Leuven battled.

Related: Dakotah Norton Wins First Monster Pro Dh Series Race

To hear what the athletes had to say, watch the press conference of the event below.

Related: Monster Pro Downhill Series Hosts Press Conference With Podium Riders

The Southeast is truly the heart of Downhill in the US. Rock Creek and the nearby Windrock are home to many of the fastest racers and have perhaps the most vibrant racing scene.

Related: Windrock Releases Tennessee National Downhill Race Broadcast

Rock Creek was the location of one of American young superstar Asa Vermettes first big wins. This summer, the Downhill National championships will be held at Rock Creek. Stay tuned for more US Downhill coverage.

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